Are You Prepared for an “Active Shooter” Incident in your Workplace?

“The Rise of Radicalization and the Active Shooter” Seminar

Date: May 25, 2016

Location: Canad Inns 1405 St. Matthews Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba


  1. The Global Reach of Terrorism
  2. Recognizing Radicalization
  3. Active Shooter Incidents
  4. Terrorism & Radicalization Prevention

This Seminar will inform and raise awareness as to the global reach of terrorism and determine its impact on government policy, community leaders, law enforcement, educators, the insurance industry, corporate security companies, property managers and other public and private organizations.

The Seminar will also provide an understanding of the complexity of the active shooter incident and identify the issues to consider in how we can best respond to these incidents.

DHD is a Winnipeg based company committed to providing a safe and secure environment for

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