Coghlan’s Sight-Grid Signal Mirror

As opposed to the BCB signal mirror (which has a shiny metallic finish) the Coghlan’s model has a glass reflection surface which is far superior when it comes to producing a strong flash of light. Metallic type finishes will soon lose their lustre, which dramatically reduces the brightness of flashes. Glass on the other hand, will provide you with much stronger and more powerful flashes for a very long time.

Although the Coghlan’s model is slightly larger, it’s by no means big and no less portable. It can easily slip into your pocket and is ultra-light. Additionally, the larger size of the Coghlan’s signal mirror is noticeably more ergonomic (making it easier to maneuver and less susceptible to dropping) and catches more light. The larger sighting hole also makes focusing and aiming less strenuous and less tedious.

The plastic sleeve it comes in can be reused and has a tab that can be tucked in, helping to protect the device from scratches. Because this signal mirror is literally a mirror, it can be used as such – something that is not really possible with the BCB model once it loses its reflective qualities. One similarity both models share are instructions on the back – a very handy feature.

  • Glass reflection surface for superior flash distance
  • Waterproof & Break-Resistant acrylic case
  • Instructions for use on back of signal mirror
  • Lanyard hole
  • Floats
Highly recommended

Made in Japan

Cost: Around CDN $12

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